Testimonials and Reviews


Why No Testimonials?

I want to take a moment to explain that Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs) are not ethically permitted to post testimonials from clients. My work with clients is confidential, and focused on my clients' needs, so I don't ask for, or share, testimonials. I have gotten several from clients in writing, however I cannot share them here. I have gotten them typed and written, through small notes given to me, through emails, phone calls, texts and often get them verbally during sessions. I have bumped into clients on the street and gotten them. I love hearing how my clients have grown from the work we have partnered in! I see many of my clients change, grow, transform and return to that authentic self they never knew. I see most of my clients experience and create changes in their inner and external lives in ways they never imagined they could have. It's beautiful and still seems magical to me!


Another kind of testimonial I receive comes in the form of referrals which I get frequently from a multitude of people and places- including from clients recommending me. I wish I could take all of the referrals I receive, but I cannot. However it is an honor to receive them! Overall, the majority of the clients I have worked with and/or continue to work with, have expressed incredible gratitude for the work we have done with one another. I am not the right fit for everyone, however when I am, most of my clients express seeing themselves and their lives change in ways that they felt hopeless to achieve before. 

Professional Reviews

I can however share reviews from other professionals. I am in the process of collecting these. Here is a beautiful one I just received recently:

"Rachel is a truly remarkable therapist and supervisor. She is widely versed in cutting edge research in the area of trauma. She applies this knowledge to her work with her clients, integrating evidenced-based modalities with holistic approaches. She shows up with compassion, determination, and direct communication. She uses a creative combination of 'what works.' She is not afraid to go against the grain and step out into the most difficult places with her clients without backing away from the discomfort. She holds the vision of what 'could be' for her clients - this modeling and courage is what many of her clients need in order to face their own obstacles and move towards healing. She'll remain committed to them - teaching actual tools - while they learn to stay present with their experiences and begin to rescue, nurture, and empower themselves. Her work is a strong healing force in her community. She is an empowering supervisor as she challenges and supports growth. Thank you Rachel!"
-from Rachael Morgan, LPC